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How to Keep Your Rental Car Clean

When you rent a car, you should pay attention to the details. Because sometimes, some of these unnoticed details can be costing you extra cash without you knowing. For example, returning your rented car dirty can be a new way to waste your money. That's why you should keep it clean and safe.

Why Keep Your Rental Car Clean?

Basically, renting a car is just like owning it for a while. Imagine if you want to sell your owned car model. As soon as the buyer asks to see it, you'll get it cleaned and prepared to appear in its best and most elegant design. It's the same when returning your rented car. It would help if you kept it as clean and good-looking as you took it to avoid losing your money. You must be thinking: "How To Keep Your Rental Car Clean" Well, the process is easy. There are many ways to keep it clean yourself without even paying for someone to clean it.

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The Many Ways To Keep Your Rental Car Clean

Here at VIP Car Rental, not only do we care for your lifestyle, but we also care for your comfort. That's why we are always doing our best to help you pay less but get more. There are many easy steps you can take on How To Keep Your Rental Car Clean.

Trash Can

If you spend too much time in your rented car, you might want to keep a trash can in the backseat, which will help you not consume your money on arranging it for a deep clean. That way, you can keep all the trash in it and whenever you leave the car, throw the bag away.

Don't Eat Inside The Rented Car.

You might really want to step outside the car if you're about to eat, mainly if your meal includes any sauce. Most car renting agencies charge for any left stains on the interior furniture.

Vacuum the car

Using a regular home vacuum might not be as strong as the one they use in professional washing stores, but it is profitable if used on the inside. Vacuum the chairs, the floor where you can reach it, and enjoy a clean car!

Cleansing Gel

Some parts of the interior can be hard to reach with a vacuum or apiece of cleaning clothes. But nothing can stop your cleansing gel from cleaning it deeply! It helps you fight stuck dust and dirt, especially in the holes of the air conditioner.

Backseat Covers

Everyone who has a pet feels sad to leave them home every time they want to go out. That's the main reason why you need to think about this step. Water and scratch-proof cover can help you keep the rented car shielded from getting scratched by your excited pet's nails, and most importantly, it helps you keep its fur from attaching to the seats. Sounds impressive, right?

Carpet Cleaner Gel

Carpet cleaning gel is a solution you will appreciate. It helps you deep clean the seats from any stains easily and fast as well. You will be surprised as soon as you spray it on the stain you have, wait for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a clean and warm piece of clothing, and enjoy the magic!